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Alison Henry

Alison Henry

Head of Building Conservation, Historic England

Alison Henry is a former stone conservator and local authority conservation officer, and former chair of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation’s Technical Panel. She joined Historic England in 2010 and is currently Head of Building Conservation and Geospatial Survey. She is a member of the Building Limes Forum Technical Committee and editor of its Journal, and was a major contributor to, and editor of, Historic England’s Practical Building Conservation series of books.  

  • I've seen how techniques and machinery have advanced in the stone trade, making life easier, more efficient and saving money on a project
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  • The Natural Stone Show has been really exciting for us, we’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of traffic on the stand, it has been a great setting for our official launch.
    Kelly Johnson
  • You can find everything!
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  • The real highlight of the show has been seeing so many people come to see the new colours that we've introduced...we've pulled in incredible crowds with the new range.
    Simon Boocock
    CR Laurence of Europe



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