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Stirling Award winner

Vetro Tooling Ltd

Stand: D36

Vetro Tooling have been supplying the Stone and Glass processing industries for decades with the highest quality tooling and machinery.  For our stone tooling division, we have partnerships with many quality tooling providers and have brought many new and exciting tooling lines to the market.  This includes our K-Line range of CNC tooling where we not only stock over 95% of tools for next day delivery, with our in-house workshop we can re-grind and re-spark the shape giving twice the lifetime and greater value to your investment.  We are continually evolving and improving our whole stone tooling range, including our new range of Cosentino-approved tooling, ACE. This includes Bridge Saw Blades, drills, small blades etc.  We are also proud agents for Denver Stone Machinery in Ireland.  Denver has some inspiring stone machinery ranges and is excelling in technological advances over the competition.


01268 766807


Unit 10 Westmayne Industrial Park
Bramston Way
SS15 6TP
United Kingdom

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  • I've seen how techniques and machinery have advanced in the stone trade, making life easier, more efficient and saving money on a project
    Show Visitor
  • The Natural Stone Show has been really exciting for us, we’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of traffic on the stand, it has been a great setting for our official launch.
    Kelly Johnson
  • You can find everything!
    Show Visitor
  • The real highlight of the show has been seeing so many people come to see the new colours that we've introduced...we've pulled in incredible crowds with the new range.
    Simon Boocock
    CR Laurence of Europe



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